Alma Publishing – Born of the desire to help others prosper

Alma means soul and Alma Publishing was born in 1997 with the commitment to publish literary works focused on spreading the messages of health, healing and prosperity.

The publishing challenge – mainstream or alternative?

Have you shared your prosperity message by writing your manuscript? Are you looking for a publisher who understands your passion for authenticity and integrity? Have you searched out and submitted your manuscript to dozens of publishing companies only to be turned away, time and time again?

If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, Alma Publishing could be your answer.

How is Alma Publishing different from typical mainline publishers?

Alma Publishing is an energetically grounded, family-owned publishing organization with a mission to discover and market unknown authors whose energetic, prosperity or law of attraction centric messages may not be readily received in the mainline publishing establishment. We receive a number of submissions and author inquiries each year, but we choose to accept only a small percentage of the authors who submit manuscripts to us. We will look at your work and respond within weeks with our observations.

Join the Alma Publishing family today and Choose your own adventure!

Talk with an Alma representative today to learn more

"Prosperity is not without many fears and distastes, and adversity is not without comforts and hopes"
~Francis Bacon